If the answers to your questions are not below, please contact us or give us a call.
Do you deliver every product to anywhere in Australia?
Yes - we can deliver to most postcodes, and if delivery is not possible for your area, we will cancel the sale and give you a full refund.
What are the shipping costs? What company handles your shipping?
We use several different logistics companies that depend on your location and the product.
What’s wrong with the goods that they are classed as a ‘factory second’?
Some products may be floor or display stock with no packaging, or they may have a small dent or scratch on the outside of the product. Some goods are returned to the manufacturer as an incorrect purchase and they are then resold. Some items have nothing at all wrong with them, they are excess or discontinued stock that we buy to sell at a discount to our customers. Any anomaly with your item does not affect optimal product operation or safety.
Does my product or good come with a manufacturer’s warranty?
What payment options do you have? Do you have buy now, pay later payment options?
All major credit cards, EFT, BPAY and pay in store. No cash on delivery. Buy now, pay later coming soon!
If I change my mind or have ordered the wrong product, do you offer a refund?
We offer refunds as guided by compliance with ACCC requirements and guidelines.
Am I able to see the products for real? Can I go to your warehouse?
Yes, you are welcome at the warehouse.